Open Streets 101

The 31st Avenue Open Street is part of NYC Open Streets, a program coordinated by the Mayor's Office and NYCDOT. Started at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the goal of Open Streets is to bolster the public realm where open space and parks are limited. The program, which is now permanent by city law, helps to offer safe passageways for cycling and walking, outdoor areas for dining and seating, and programming—by, for and of the community.

Oh, and it’s 100% free!


About Us

The 31st Avenue Open Street Collective, Inc. is an all-volunteer group of neighbors, who help facilitate programming, logistics, markets and neighborhood beautification in coordination with the businesses on the block. It is a registered nonprofit entity in New York State. Come join us!

Board of Directors

Erin Dennis

Bobby Feltault (Vice Chair)

Gerick Lee

Stacey Lipschitz (Compliance Officer)

Evie Hantzopoulos

Cormac Nataro (Secretary)

John Surico (Chairperson)

Lola Telo (Treasurer)


Frequently Asked Questions