Sign up for a shift

Welcome to our volunteer sign-up page!

This is where anyone can browse our open shifts and sign up to help out over the weekend. You will receive a confirmation email with the shift dates and times shortly after submitting. If the Open Street is canceled that day for any reason, we will notify you as soon as possible via the email provided.

Astoria’s Open Street would not happen without the support of our community and volunteers like yourself.

Thank You!

Upcoming Open Shifts

This list shows all available shifts, their date and time, and who has signed up so far.

Due to differences in screen sizes, all information may not be able to fit on the preview card at once. In that case, select the shift preview card to see more details.

What kind of shifts are there?


Setting up our equipment for the public to use; assisting the Hort with barricades and street furniture placement.


Checking programmers in and helping them get ready for their events.

Street Operations

Maintaining an enjoyable and safe atmosphere for everyone using the street. Organizing our storage area and equipment.


Staffing the Volunteer Table; being available to members of the public; and keeping an eye on the street.


Putting away our equipment and supplies; assisting the Hort with barricades and street furniture storage.